Cabinet has established an enduring system for monitoring and reporting on major operating spending decisions of government.
Major Budget 2024 spending decisions reporting
Cabinet has agreed that eleven major spending decisions from Budget 2024 will be subject to additional reporting requirements. This reporting is found on departmental webpages and in their annual reports. This page provides links to the departmental webpages where reporting on these decisions can be found.
- FamilyBoost | Inland Revenue
- Investment in compliance activities | Inland Revenue
- COVID-19 and Pandemic Preparedness | Ministry of Health
- Ka Ora, Ka Ako - Healthy School Lunches Programme | Ministry of Education
- Charter Schools | Charter School Agency (PDF)
- Apprenticeship Boost | Education Counts
- Prisoner Population - Responding to Increasing Prisoner Numbers | Department of Corrections
- Corrections Rehabilitation Programmes - Extending to Remand Prisoners | Department of Corrections
- Investing in Frontline Policing | New Zealand Police
- Regional Infrastructure Fund | Kānoa – Regional Economic Development & Investment Unit
- Social Housing Supply (commitments across Budgets) | Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga - Ministry of Housing and Urban Development
More information about major spending decisions is outlined below.
Latest major spending decision reporting and past snapshots
What is a ‘major’ decision?
Major spending decisions are those decisions:
- for which the information reported would usefully inform future decision-making
- that reflect the Government’s key priorities, and
- that are material fiscally (directly or indirectly).
What are the reporting requirements?
For each identified major spending decision, Departments are required to report the name of the decision as per the Summary of Initiatives for that Budget, and:
- intended results, as communicated in Budget documentation
- deliverables and planned timeline
- amount allocated over the forecast period (in total and annually)
- indicators of performance and value for money, and
- where (this must include the Department’s Annual Report and departmental website) and how frequently the above information will be reported.
The Treasury will be capturing the reporting on each decision available on departmental websites as at 31st December and 30th June each year.
Where can I find information on other Government decisions and priorities?
- Government Targets (these are subject to a regular reporting cycle which can be found at Government Targets | Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet).
- Major capital investments (these are subject to Quarterly Investment Reporting).
- Baseline savings as announced in the Summary of Initiatives in Budget 2024 can be found in Departments’ annual reports which are found on departmental webpages.
- The Government’s achievement of its fiscal sustainability targets can be found in the information on short-term intentions and long-term objectives for fiscal policy through the Budget Policy Statement 2024 and the Fiscal Strategy Report 2024, and six-monthly reporting in Treasury’s twice-annual Economic and Fiscal Updates (Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update 2024).
- Other Budget significant decisions reporting can be found in Departments’ Annual Reports as per the expectation set for this reporting, which can be found at Annual Reports and other End-of-Year Performance Reporting: Guidance for reporting under the Public Finance Act 1989 for Departments and at Preparing the Annual Report and other End-of-Year Performance Reporting: Guidance for Crown Entities for Crown Entities.
Information on prior major spending decisions
Information on decisions that have been offboarded from this reporting requirement:
To date no decisions have been offboarded from this reporting requirement.