Government Management - Education Issues was the Briefing to the Incoming Government prepared before the 1987 election, it contains a detailed review of education in New Zealand, and a discussion of some options for the future. Government Management: Volume I was published at the same time and is available from a separate download page.
Table of Contents
- Preface
- 1 The New Zealand Education System - Setting the Scene
- Introduction
- The Education System, Society and Policy Change
- Educational Objectives and the Macro Context
- The Educational Process, Economic Analysis and Educational Research
- Some Features of the Education System
- Current Trends
- Current Pressures on the State System
- Some Underlying Questions
- Summary
- Notes and References
- 2 The Nature of Education
- Introduction
- Functions of Education
- Applying the Functions
- The Institutionalisation of Education
- The Benefits and Costs of Education
- The Role of Government
- Problems of Intervention
- Conclusions
- Notes and References
- 3 Early Childhood Services
- Introduction
- Functions of Early Childhood Services
- Benefits of Early Childhood Services
- Goals of Government: Why Intervene?
- Costs and Instruments of Intervention
- Current Arrangements
- Evaluation of Current Arrangements
- Underlying Concerns
- Conclusions
- Appendix: Cost Per Head of Early Childhood Services
- Notes and References
- 4 Primary Education
- Introduction
- Functions of Primary Education
- Benefits of Primary Education
- Goals of Government: Why Intervene?
- Costs and Instruments of Intervention
- Current Arrangements
- Evaluation of Current Arrangements
- Underlying Concerns
- Conclusions
- Notes and References
- 5 Secondary Education
- Introduction
- Functions of Secondary Education
- Benefits of Secondary Education
- Goals of Government: Why Intervene?
- Costs and Instruments of Intervention
- Current Arrangements
- Evaluation of Current Arrangements
- Underlying Concerns
- Conclusions
- Notes and References
- 6 Tertiary Education
- Introduction
- Functions of Tertiary Education
- Benefits of Tertiary Education
- Goals of Government: Why Intervene?
- Costs and Instruments of Intervention
- Current Arrangements
- Evaluation of Current Arrangements
- Underlying Concerns
- Conclusions
- Notes and References
- 7 Cultural Pluralism and Education Policy
- Introduction
- The Multicultural Background
- Multicultural Education
- Some Conclusions
- Notes and References
- 8 Maori Education
- Introduction
- Policy on Maori Education
- Current Discussion on Maori/Pakeha Relationships as they Affect Education Policy
- Maori Educational Attainment
- Educational Theory and Research with Reference to Ethnic Attainment Differences
- Some Conclusions
- Appendix I: Chronology of Departmental Activities Regarding Maori
- Language and Culture Since the 1950s
- Appendix II: 1986 School Certificate Results
- Appendix III: Retention Rates, 1960-1979
- Appendix IV: External Examinations and Awards
- Appendix V: Retention Rates
- Notes and References
- 9 Private Overseas Student Policy
- Introduction
- Current Exports of Educational Services
- The International Demand for Education
- Price Elasticity
- The Demand for New Zealand Tertiary Places and the Supply Response from New Zealand Institutions
- Equity Considerations
- Conclusions
- Appendix I: Enrolment of Foreign Students in Postgraduate Education
- Appendix II: Implementation Issues
- Notes and References
- 10 Summary and Conclusions
- Introduction
- The Nature of Education and Government
- Intervention in Education
- Early Childhood Services
- Primary Education
- Secondary Education
- Tertiary Education
- Cultural Pluralism and Education Policy
- Maori Education
- Private Overseas Student Policy
- General Conclusions
- Glossary of Abbreviations