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Proposed partial cancellation of public access easements in Hira Forest, Nelson
The Treasury, on behalf of the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Conservation, is seeking submissions on the proposed partial cancellation of the public access easements in Hira Forest, Nelso
Consultation on the Scope of the Treasury's Long-term Insights Briefing
The Treasury is currently welcoming submissions on the proposed scope of its upcoming 2025 Long-term Insights Briefing.Second Stage Consultation on Statement of Funding Approach – Funding Strategy for the Depositor Compensation Scheme
The Treasury is seeking submissions on the second round of consultation on the funding strategy for the Depositor Compensation Scheme (DCS) to be established by the Deposit Takers Act 2023.Consultation on proposed regulations related to the independent review of complaint procedure decisions made by EQC Toka Tū Ake about breaches of the Code of Insured Persons’ Rights
The Treasury is publicly consulting on proposed regulations related to the independent review of complaint procedure decisions made by EQC Toka Tū Ake about breaches of the Code of Insured Persons’ Rights.Funding strategy for the Depositor Compensation Scheme
The Treasury is seeking submissions on the funding strategy for the Depositor Compensation Scheme (DCS) which will be established by the Deposit Takers Act 2023. The consultation period is open from 31 July to 25 September 2023.Residential insurance and climate-related hazards
The Government is considering residential insurance issues, including the role of insurance in climate change adaptation.Overseas Investment Act 2005: Forestry Review
In 2018, the Overseas Investment Amendment Act changed the way overseas investments in forestry are screened under the Act. The Amendment Act also required a review of the operation and effectiveness of these changes to be initiated within two years of their taking effect.Consulting on New Zealand’s long-term fiscal challenges
The Treasury has released its latest report on the country’s long-term fiscal position, He Tirohanga Mokopuna 2021: The Treasury’s combined Statement on the Long-term Fiscal Position and Long-term Insights Briefing.Embedding wellbeing in the Public Finance Act 1989
The Government recently consulted on a proposal to embed a focus on wellbeing in the Public Finance Act 1989 in September 2018.
Establishing an Independent Fiscal Institution
Reform of the Overseas Investment Act
Following public consultation earlier this year, and in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and associated economic downturn, the Government has agreed to changes to the Overseas Investm
Review of the Earthquake Commission Act
The Government announced on 20 March 2018 four planned changes to the Earthquake Commission (EQC) scheme.Review of the Reserve Bank Act 2017 - 2021
In November 2017 the Government announced it would undertake a review of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act 1989 to create a modern monetary and financial policy framework. While the Review itself has been completed, work to enact some of the measures is ongoing.Weather forecasting system review
A Government commissioned review of New Zealand’s weather forecasting system is planned to get under way in September 2023 to determine the best approach to national weather forecasting in the future. The review is being led by Te Tai Ōhanga the Treasury and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment Hīkina Whakatutuki (MBIE), with support from Te Manatū Waka Ministry of Transport. It will be conducted by an independent party.