Join Secretary to the Treasury Caralee McLiesh for the launch of Te Tai Waiora, the Treasury’s first wellbeing report under the Public Finance Act. The purpose of the Wellbeing Report is to better understand how well we are doing as a country. What are the things that are most important for our wellbeing and how might we measure them? Are things getting better over time or worse? How do we compare to other developed countries? What does the future look like for the next generation? This is your opportunity to be among the first to hear from Caralee McLiesh about the findings of Te Tai Waiora, join in a conversation around why it matters, and discuss the opportunities for future research and policy analysis.
About the presenter
Dr Caralee McLiesh joined the Treasury as Chief Executive and Secretary to the Treasury in September 2019.
Caralee's previous role as Managing Director at Technical and Further Education (TAFE) New South Wales (NSW), Australia, saw her lead the transformation of TAFE NSW to become a more modern, competitive and sustainable organisation.
From 2008 to 2018, Caralee held several Deputy Secretary roles at the NSW Treasury.
Her involvement in the development of Australia’s first Social Impact Bond for families at risk earned her the Public Service Medal of Australia (2017) for outstanding public service to social impact investment policy and reform in NSW. Prior to this, Caralee worked at the World Bank in Washington DC, the International Red Cross and the Boston Consulting Group.
Material and video recording
A transcript and captions for this video will be available in due course.
Watch the seminar, where Dominick Stephens delivered the speech launching Te Tai Waiora: Wellbeing in Aotearoa New Zealand and Questions & Answers session with the Treasury panel.
Wellbeing Report seminar series
This online seminar is part of a Wellbeing Report programme of Guest lectures running in 2022 and 2023.