In the lead-up to release of the 2013 Investment Statement, Treasury is holding a series of seminars aiming to foster interest in, and discussion on, balance sheet-related matters as well as the sharing of knowledge across the public sector and beyond. Long-term spending pressures are relevant to the balance sheet as they give a sense of the broader picture that balance sheet management takes place within.
In this seminar Becky Prebble, Senior Analyst at the New Zealand Treasury will talk about the main messages of the Treasury's 2013 Statement on the Long-Term Fiscal Position, which was published on 11 July 2013. The Statement looks at the long-term trajectory of government spending and revenue, assuming current policies stay the same, with the aim of testing the long-term affordability of those policies. The Statement's core message is that some areas of government spending will get more expensive in the future, but we have many options for managing these expense pressures if we start early.
This subject matter is of general interest and the seminar is aimed at a non-specialist audience. The session would be of particular value to those interested in public finance and the long-term implications of existing policy settings.
Bio of Presenter
Becky Prebble, Senior Analyst, The Treasury
Becky Prebble is a Senior Analyst at the New Zealand Treasury, based in the Macroeconomic and Fiscal Policy Team. She led the project leading to the publication of the Treasury’s 2013 Statement on the Long-Term Fiscal Position.