This talk by Dr Alan Bollard will focus on big global shocks and the role that New Zealand discretionary fiscal policy (amongst other interventions) played in stabilising the economy and assisting recovery.
The next time will be different, but there are some learnings for us to apply.
About the presenter
Alan Bollard has held positions as Director of the NZ institute for Economic Research, Chair of the NZ Commerce Commission, Secretary of NZ Treasury, Governor of the Reserve Bank, Executive Director of APEC, and Professor at Victoria University.
He is currently teaching MBA, and is Chair of the NZ Infrastructure Commission, Chair of NZ PECC, Chair of the NZ Portrait Gallery, and on the Boards of China Construction Bank, the Tertiary Education Commission, and the EARIE Think Tank in Jakarta.
He has written a number of economic history books and several novels, and there are more underway.
Video recording
A transcript and captions for this video will be available in due course.
Fiscal Policy for the Future seminar series
New ideas, innovative concepts, research evidence and expert advice are all crucial to stimulate and inform the Treasury's economic analysis and advice. Our current theme for guest lectures - Fiscal Policy for the Future - explores the role of stabilising, sustainable and effective fiscal policy. Speakers will provide insights into how fiscal policy can be designed to support government to meet its current and future objectives and obligations while adapting to changing circumstances and delivering value to the New Zealand public.
Fiscal policy has a stabilising role in helping to smooth the business cycle, while sustainability in fiscal policy is foundational for resilience to both shocks and longstanding challenges, such as climate change, technological advancements and demographic trends. Ensuring effective and value for money expenditure is important so that fiscal policy contributes to the living standards of New Zealanders, both now and in the future.