To help encourage innovative approaches to longstanding social problems, the government is aiming to make data more open, so people and organisations outside the usual public policy process can use it too.
Social Investment is an approach which seeks to improve the lives of New Zealanders by applying rigorous and evidence-based investment practices to social services.
By gaining a clearer understanding of the indicators that are associated with poor outcomes, social sector and community organisations can identify where best to invest early rather than deal with problems after they have emerged.
Analytical Papers
The Treasury publishes analyses of different types of data in its new Analytical Papers series.
Analytical Papers that have been produced to support social investment work:
- Using Characteristics of Children at Greater Risk of Poor Outcomes as Adults (AP 16/01) (February 2016)
- Includes infographics: Characteristics of Children at Risk. - Using Integrated Administrative Data to Identify Youth Who Are at Risk of Poor Outcomes as Adults (AP 15/02) (December 2015)
- Using Integrated Data to Understand Children at Risk of Poor Outcomes as Young Adults (AP 15/01) (September 2015)
Social Investment Insights - Interactive Tool
Information on children and youth who are at higher risk of poor outcomes can be viewed via an interactive online tool which displays the data by geographical location. See Social Investment Insights at
The analysis and online tool have been made possible through Statistics NZ's Integrated Data Service. Through the collection of data from across the public sector (such as health, education and justice), Statistics NZ are enabling the analysis and understanding needed to improve social and economic outcomes for New Zealanders.