Overview of information about government revenue on the Treasury website, including tax outturn data.
What are the Government's main sources of revenue?
The Government's main sources of revenue come from tax, levies, fees, investment income and from the sales of goods and services.
Total core Crown revenue for the latest financial year can be found within the Financial Statements of the Government.
See the Treasury's tax interest area page for more information on tax revenue.
The Treasury's Role
The Treasury is responsible for forecasting how much tax revenue the government can expect to earn. Twice a year the Treasury publishes Economic and Fiscal Updates which forecast revenue for the following five years.
The Financial Statements of the Government of New Zealand report on revenue that the government has received.
Inland Revenue also forecasts how much the government is likely to receive in revenue in future years. The Economic and Fiscal Updates have tables showing both departments' forecast figures. The Treasury's forecasts are the Crown's official forecasts.
The Treasury provides tax policy advice jointly with the Inland Revenue.