Crown Infrastructure Partners Limited

Public Finance Act 1989 Schedule 4A company

CIP, formerly called Crown Fibre Holdings Limited, was established to manage the Government’s $1.7 billion investment in ultra-fast broadband infrastructure. 

In 2017 it was given additional responsibilities to include investigating and implementing commercial models to achieve the Government’s objectives for deploying water and roading infrastructure to support an increase in housing supply.  In 2020, CIP was assigned responsibility for the identification, funding and monitoring of shovel-ready projects across New Zealand following the onset of COVID-19.

For further information: 

Key Company Information

Entity FormPublic Finance Act 1989 Schedule 4A company
Head OfficeAuckland
Primary LegislationCompanies Act 1993; Crown Entities Act 2004; Public Finance Act 1989

Board of Directors

Person Role Term
Mr Mark Binns Chair -
Mr Alan Dent Director -
Mr Chris Gudgeon Director -
Ms Mei Fern Johnson Director -