The APEC Economic Committee (EC) has a mandate to promote structural policy reform within APEC by undertaking policy analysis and action-oriented work. The EC progresses this mandate in close coordination with other relevant APEC fora.
As tariffs have declined in the APEC region, attention has gradually shifted to the structural and regulatory obstacles that inhibit cross-border trade and investment by creating behind-the-border barriers to doing business. Structural reform consists of improvements made to institutional frameworks, regulations and government policies so that the efficient functioning of markets is supported, and behind-the-border barriers are reduced. In 2004, APEC Economic Leaders highlighted the importance of behind-the-border impediments to economic growth and higher living standards by adopting the "Leaders' Agenda to Implement Structural Reform Towards 2010" (LAISR 2010). LAISR identified five priority areas: regulatory reform, competition policy, public sector management and governance, and strengthening economic and legal infrastructure.
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